Monday, July 26, 2021

Identifying the Right Disinfectant Wipes for Safety


2020 was a year where we all struggled. A lot of us had to retool our hygiene practices, both in our personal lives and our business lives. Businesses had to make a major adjustment with their cleaning practices and one of the most common introductions was the constant use of disinfectant wipes. Disinfectant wipes are an excellent way to clean the surfaces of a business or residence. These wipes are now being used nearly everywhere, schools, hospitals, grocery stores, retail businesses, etc. However, not all disinfectant wipes in Toronto are created equal, and it’s important to know what you need from your product before you buy it.

Safety Profile:

There are a few key things to consider when you are looking to buy a package of disinfectant wipes. One of the most important is the safety profile. If you’re going to be using these wipes somewhere that you have a lot of contact with, then it is essential that they be as safe as possible. When you get disinfectant wipes in Toronto, you can rest assured that they have been inspected by Health Canada and all have a drug identification number (DIN) that communicates the safety specifications of that particular product. In your pursuit of becoming a more savvy customer and using the best disinfectant wipes you can, you’ll want to visit Roy Turk’s website and view their huge variety of products on display. You can find the best disinfectant wipes in Canada online at the Roy Turk website with a wide range of industrial-strength disinfectant cleaning wipes for your perusal.


Now that you know your product is safe and effective, it’s time to discuss the reasons to choose these over more traditional cleaning products. When you buy disinfectant wipes in Canada, they come with a lot of advantages over other cleaning products when it comes to ease of use. Other cleaning products involve the use of multiple items to achieve the same result. You would typically need a cleaning solution as well as some kind of paper towel or other wipes. This seems small on the surface but it adds up. It’s additional time and effort for your employees to achieve the same level of cleanliness as a single disinfectant wipe. It also means a lot more effort behind the scenes. You have to order twice as many items, you have to store them and you have to ensure that both stays stocked so your business can stay clean. When compared to simply keeping disinfectant wipes on hand at all times it really seems worth the effort to switch to wipes.

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Monday, July 5, 2021

When to and When Not to Use Disinfectant Wipes

Disinfectant wipes became a popular item during the pandemic. For a while, they were hard to find as everybody stocked up. Supply has caught up with demand, and now you see them used at schools, in stores, and at businesses, in addition to many people using them throughout their homes. Disinfectant wipes in Toronto have become an ever-present item.

But these wipes can be misused. Here are some things to keep in mind to ensure you’re using them properly. This will help you select the right product when you buy disinfectant wipes online in Canada.

What Is a Disinfecting Wipe?

A disinfecting wipe is a soft, disposable wet wipe soaked in disinfecting liquid. They are used to clean and disinfect surfaces quickly. To effectively kill viruses and bacteria, these wipes utilize harsh chemicals that can negatively impact a person’s health. Their powerful disinfectant properties are what make people want to buy disinfectant wipes in Canada.

Avoid Overuse

Disinfectant wipes should be used sparingly. The recommended practice is to use them only where necessary, such as in high-touch locations where germs are most likely to be spread. This includes door handles, light switches, railings, keyboards, and elevator buttons. Other surfaces that aren’t touched as often, such as countertops or tabletops, can be cleaned with a general-purpose cleaning solution or a cleaning wipe instead of harsh chemical disinfectants.

Not Suitable for Children

It is acceptable to use disinfectant wipes in Toronto in areas where children are present. However, children should not be asked to use the wipes themselves. Direct contact with the disinfectant, especially in the amounts found in a wipe, could cause a negative reaction in a child. Because children’s bodies are still developing, they may be more prone to negative health effects.

When using disinfectant wipes in a classroom, teachers should follow proper cleaning protocols.

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